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  • Writer's pictureLanya Michèle

[EXAMPLES] Unlocking the Potential of Chat GPT: 15 Best Kept Secrets and Tips

Unlock the power of Chat GPT and supercharge your results! Our exciting guide reveals the 15 best kept secrets and tips to help you unleash the full potential of this amazing technology. With these expert insights, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to boost your rankings, improve your experience, and achieve better results. Don't wait, start unlocking the power of Chat GPT today!

Welcome to the fascinating world of Chat GPT! As an AI-powered language model, Chat GPT has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, making it easier than ever to create, communicate, and innovate. In this blog, we'll reveal 15 best kept secrets and tips to help you make the most of using Chat GPT.

Let's dive in!

Context is King

Remember to provide sufficient context for your prompts. A well-crafted input with relevant information will yield more accurate and relevant responses from Chat GPT.

Good Example:

To provide context in the realm of digital marketing, SEO, or online business, you might ask a question about a specific marketing strategy and include relevant information like the target audience, platform, and goals. For instance:

"In the context of digital marketing for a small e-commerce store targeting millennials, can you provide a detailed SEO strategy to improve organic search traffic and increase conversion rates on the website?"

This example clearly states the type of business, target audience, and desired outcome, helping Chat GPT understand the context and provide a focused, relevant response.

Bad Example:

A poorly framed question without sufficient context might look like this:

"How do I get more traffic?"

This example is vague, as it doesn't specify the type of business, target audience, marketing platform, or goals.

As a result, Chat GPT might struggle to generate a meaningful and focused response, or it may provide general information that might not be applicable or effective for your specific situation.

Providing context is essential for obtaining helpful and accurate advice from the AI.

Prompt Engineering

Experiment with different prompt styles and formats. Whether it's asking questions, providing examples, or using straightforward statements, find the approach that works best for your desired output.

Question-based prompts

These prompts are framed as questions and are useful for seeking specific information, advice, or recommendations. They encourage the AI to provide a direct answer.


"What are the key factors to consider when creating an SEO strategy for an e-commerce website?"

Instruction-based prompts

These prompts give clear instructions for the desired output. They work well when you need the AI to generate content, provide step-by-step guidance, or explain a concept.


"Write a brief introduction to email marketing for beginners."

Conversational prompts

These prompts engage the AI in a more informal and conversational manner. They can be useful for brainstorming, exploring ideas, or simulating a discussion with a human expert.


"Hey, I've been trying to figure out the best way to use social media for promoting my online store. Any suggestions?"

Fill-in-the-blank prompts

These prompts present an incomplete statement or question, which encourages the AI to complete it with relevant information. This format can be helpful for generating lists, summaries, or concise answers.


"The top three benefits of using Google Analytics for an online business are: 1) _______, 2) _______, and 3) _______."

Comparison or contrast prompts

These prompts ask the AI to compare or contrast two or more items, ideas, or concepts. They can help you understand the differences, similarities, or pros and cons of various options.


"Compare and contrast the advantages of using Facebook Ads and Google Ads for an online retail business."

Creative prompts

These prompts encourage the AI to think outside the box and generate unique or imaginative content, such as stories, fictional scenarios, or hypothetical examples.


"Imagine a futuristic world where AI plays a significant role in digital marketing. Describe how marketing strategies might evolve in this scenario."

By experimenting with these different prompt styles and formats, you can optimize your Chat GPT experience and obtain more accurate, relevant, and engaging responses tailored to your needs.

Temperature Settings

Adjust the "temperature" parameter for controlling randomness in the responses. A higher temperature (e.g., 1.0) yields more diverse and creative results, while a lower temperature (e.g., 0.2) produces more focused and deterministic outputs.

Temperature settings in Chat GPT help you control the level of randomness or creativity in the AI's responses. Think of it as a "creativity dial."

When the temperature is set to a higher value (e.g., 1.0), the AI generates responses that are more diverse, creative, and unexpected. T

his is helpful when you want the AI to come up with unique ideas or think outside the box.

However, the responses might be less focused or coherent.

On the other hand, when the temperature is set to a lower value (e.g., 0.2), the AI produces responses that are more focused, deterministic, and consistent.

This is useful when you need the AI to provide accurate information or follow specific guidelines.

However, the responses might be less creative or diverse.

Low-temperature example:

High-temperature example:

Max Tokens

Control the length of the output by setting the "max tokens" parameter. This can help you achieve concise answers or longer, more elaborate responses depending on your requirements.

1 token ~= ¾ words

"25 max tokens" example:

"100 max tokens" example:

Iterative Refinement

Don't hesitate to refine your prompt or rephrase your input if the initial output doesn't meet your expectations. Iterative refinement can lead to more satisfying results.

Iterative refinement is a technique that involves making multiple passes over a question or prompt to refine and improve the AI's response. This approach can help you obtain better-quality answers or more accurate information from Chat GPT. While it cannot directly demonstrate iterative refinement within this text-based conversation, I can explain the process and provide examples.

To use iterative refinement, you would typically follow these steps:

  1. Ask an initial question or provide a prompt.

  2. Evaluate the AI's response.

  3. Reframe or clarify the question based on the AI's response, and ask again.

  4. Repeat the process until you receive a satisfactory answer.

  5. Let's take an example in the realm of digital marketing:

Initial question: "What are some ways to improve a website's ranking?"

AI's response: "To improve a website's ranking, focus on creating high-quality content, optimizing on-page elements, and building backlinks."

At this point, you might want more specific information about on-page optimization.

Refined question: "Can you provide more details about on-page optimization for improving a website's ranking?"

AI's response: "On-page optimization involves improving various elements of a webpage to make it more search-engine-friendly. Key aspects include optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, image alt text, and URL structure. Additionally, ensure that your content is well-structured and uses relevant keywords strategically."

You might decide that you need more information about optimizing title tags.

Further refined question: "How can I optimize title tags for better search engine rankings?"

AI's response: "To optimize title tags for better search engine rankings, follow these best practices:

Keep the title tag length between 50-60 characters, as search engines might truncate longer titles.

Include your primary keyword close to the beginning of the title tag.

Use secondary keywords or variations, if applicable.

Make the title tag descriptive, relevant, and compelling to encourage click-throughs.

Avoid keyword stuffing or duplicating title tags across multiple pages."

By using iterative refinement, you can progressively refine your questions to receive more precise, detailed, and useful information from Chat GPT.

Make it Conversational

For a more interactive experience, format your input as a conversation. This can help establish context and guide Chat GPT toward providing the information you need.

Here's an example of how to format your input as a conversation in a text-based interface:

You: "I need help with digital marketing strategies."

AI's response: "Sure, I'd be happy to help! What specific aspect of digital marketing are you interested in?"

You: "I'd like to know more about content marketing and its benefits."

AI's response: "Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and informative content to attract and engage a target audience.

It helps build brand awareness, increase customer trust, and drive conversions.

Some benefits include improved SEO, increased website traffic, and enhanced customer relationships."

By structuring your input as a conversation, you can provide context and guide the AI's responses to get more accurate and relevant information.

Feel free to ask follow-up questions or clarify your needs within the conversation, just as you would in a natural dialogue with another person.

Use InstructGPT

For tasks requiring more explicit instruction, consider using InstructGPT, a version of GPT that's fine-tuned for understanding and following instructions.

InstructGPT is a variant of the GPT model, which is specifically trained to follow instructions provided within prompts. It aims to understand and execute a given task more effectively compared to the base GPT model.

InstructGPT is designed to generate detailed and helpful responses based on the instructions provided in the input.

To use InstructGPT, simply frame your prompt or question with clear instructions, indicating what information you want or what task you'd like the AI to perform. Ensure that your instructions are explicit and well-defined.

Here are some examples of how to use InstructGPT:

Example 1:

Instead of asking, "What is SEO?", you can provide a clearer instructions:

"Explain the concept of SEO and its importance in digital marketing."

The AI might respond with a more detailed answer like:

"SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). It plays a crucial role in digital marketing, as higher visibility leads to increased organic traffic, brand awareness, and potential conversions. By optimizing a website's content, structure, and technical aspects, businesses can rank higher on search engines like Google, making it easier for users to find their products or services."

Example 2:

Instead of asking, "How do I start a blog?", use an instructive prompt:

"Provide a step-by-step guide on starting a blog for beginners."

The AI might respond with a structured response like:

"Here is a step-by-step guide to starting a blog for beginners:

Choose a niche: Pick a topic you're passionate about and have knowledge in.

Select a blogging platform: Popular options include WordPress, Blogger, and Medium.

Register a domain name: Choose a unique and memorable name for your blog.

Purchase web hosting: Select a reliable hosting provider to host your blog.

Install your blogging platform: Follow the instructions provided by the platform to set it up.

Customize your blog's design: Choose a theme and personalize the layout to match your brand.

Create high-quality content: Write informative, engaging, and shareable blog posts.

Optimize for SEO: Apply SEO best practices to improve your blog's visibility on search engines.

Promote your blog: Share your content on social media, engage with your audience, and network with other bloggers.

Monetize your blog: Explore revenue streams like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling digital products."

By using InstructGPT, you can receive more targeted and informative responses that follow the given instructions more closely.

Narrow Down the Scope

Narrowing down the scope of your prompt helps the AI to generate more focused and relevant responses.

By providing a specific context or asking a more detailed question, you can guide the AI to produce the information you're looking for.

Bad example:

Good example:

Leverage Examples

Providing examples when using Chat GPT helps guide the AI to generate responses that match the desired output style or format, particularly when working with creative or specialized content.

By providing examples, you can set the context and show the AI what kind of response you're expecting.

Here are a few examples of how to leverage... examples:

In summary, when leveraging examples in your prompts, be sure to include clear and concise samples that showcase the desired output style or format. This will help Chat GPT generate more accurate and relevant responses tailored to your needs.

Fact-Check the Output

Fact-checking Chat GPT's output is an essential step to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. Since AI models like GPT can sometimes generate incorrect or outdated information, it's important to verify the responses before using them, especially for critical decisions or public-facing content.

Here's an example of how to fact-check Chat GPT's output:

Prompt: "What is the tallest building in the world as of 2021?"

AI's response: "As of 2021, the tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It stands at 828 meters (2,717 feet) tall and has 163 floors."

Now, to fact-check this information, follow these steps:

  1. Identify reliable sources: Look for authoritative websites or publications that provide information on the topic in question. For this example, you could check sources like the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) or reputable news outlets.

  2. Compare the AI's response to the information from your sources: Check if the facts mentioned in the AI's response match the information provided by the authoritative sources.

  3. Confirm or correct the information: If the AI's response aligns with the information from your sources, you can consider it accurate. If not, make necessary corrections based on the verified information.

In this example, you might find that the Burj Khalifa is indeed the tallest building in the world as of 2021, confirming the AI's response. However, remember that the AI's knowledge cutoff is September 2021, and newer developments may not be reflected in its responses.

Fact-checking is particularly important when dealing with sensitive topics, historical events, or any information that has a significant impact on decision-making. Always cross-reference AI-generated content with reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

Avoid AI Jargon

To prevent Chat GPT from getting stuck in a loop of AI-related discussions, be cautious when using AI-related terms in your prompts.

When interacting with Chat GPT, it's essential to avoid using AI jargon to prevent the AI from getting stuck in a loop of technical jargon that may not be relevant to the intended discussion.

Using such language may cause Chat GPT to provide less helpful responses, as it may only focus on technical details and miss the broader context of the conversation.

Bad example:

"How can I optimize the hyperparameters for my convolutional neural network using backpropagation?"

Similarly, this prompt uses jargon such as "hyperparameters," "convolutional neural network," and "backpropagation," which can confuse the AI and lead to less useful responses.

Good example:

"Can you explain how a search engine works, and how it ranks web pages based on user queries?"

This example provides a clear and concise prompt that avoids the use of AI jargon. The user is asking for a clear explanation of a search engine's functionality and how it processes user queries, without using technical terms or concepts.

In summary, avoiding AI jargon in your prompts is critical for getting accurate and relevant responses from Chat GPT. By using simple and concise language, providing clear context, and avoiding technical terms, you can ensure that the AI understands your requests and generates helpful responses.

Combine Multiple Outputs

When using Chat GPT, you may receive several satisfactory but incomplete answers to your prompts. In such cases, you can combine multiple outputs to create a more complete response. Here's how:

  1. Review the outputs: Read through each response carefully and identify the information that is missing or incomplete.

  2. Identify common themes: Look for common themes or ideas that are shared across the responses. These may include keywords, phrases, or concepts that are relevant to the prompt.

  3. Piece together the responses: Use the common themes to piece together the responses into a more complete answer. You can reorder sentences, combine phrases, or add additional information to create a coherent and comprehensive response.

Here's an example of how to combine multiple outputs:

Prompt: "What are some effective ways to promote a new product online?"

AI Response 1: "Using social media platforms to create buzz and reach a wider audience can be an effective way to promote a new product online."

AI Response 2: "Creating an email marketing campaign and targeting subscribers who are likely to be interested in the new product can also be an effective way to promote it."

AI Response 3: "Running a paid advertising campaign on search engines or social media platforms can help increase the visibility of the new product and drive more traffic to the product page."

To combine these responses, we can identify the common themes and create a more complete answer:

Combined Response: "There are several effective ways to promote a new product online. One way is to use social media platforms to create buzz and reach a wider audience. Another way is to create an email marketing campaign and target subscribers who are likely to be interested in the new product. Additionally, running a paid advertising campaign on search engines or social media platforms can help increase the visibility of the new product and drive more traffic to the product page."

In this example, we have combined the information from all three responses to create a more complete and informative answer. By combining multiple outputs, you can ensure that your responses are comprehensive and cover all the relevant information related to your prompt.

Use Chat GPT for Brainstorming

Chat GPT can be a powerful tool for brainstorming and generating ideas for your projects in a matter of seconds. Here's how:

  1. Define your project: Start by defining the scope and objectives of your project. This will help guide your prompts and ensure that the AI generates relevant and useful ideas.

  2. Ask open-ended questions: Ask open-ended questions that encourage the AI to generate creative and diverse ideas. Avoid yes/no questions or prompts that are too specific or limiting.

  3. Use prompts to guide the AI: Use prompts that provide context and guide the AI to generate ideas that match your project's goals and objectives.

Here are some examples of prompts that can be used for brainstorming and generating ideas:

In summary, Chat GPT can be a valuable tool for brainstorming and generating ideas quickly and efficiently. By asking open-ended questions, using prompts to guide the AI, and defining the scope of your project, you can leverage Chat GPT to come up with innovative and creative concepts, ideas, and outlines for your projects.

Experiment with Model Sizes

Different model sizes (e.g., base, large, or even custom) may yield varying results. Experiment with various sizes to find the best fit for your specific use case.

Model sizes can vary in complexity from base, which is ideal for simple tasks like generating short answers to customer inquiries, to large, which is better suited for more complex tasks like generating longer-form content.

Custom models can also be created, which are specifically trained for a particular use case or domain, such as generating technical documentation for software development teams.

Here are some tips for experimenting with model sizes in Chat GPT:

  1. Start small: Begin with the base model and work your way up to larger or custom models as needed.

  2. Evaluate performance: Test the performance and accuracy of each model size for your specific use case to determine which one works best.

  3. Consider the trade-offs: Larger models may generate more accurate responses, but they may also require more computational resources and take longer to process.

  4. Train your own models: Consider training your own custom models if none of the pre-trained models meet your needs. This may involve collecting and cleaning your own data and using specialized machine learning tools.

In summary, experimenting with model sizes in Chat GPT can help you optimize the AI's performance and accuracy for specific tasks.

By starting with the base model and evaluating the performance of different sizes, you can find the best model for your needs. Custom models may also be an option for specialized use cases.

Fine-Tuning for Custom Applications

Fine-tuning is the process of training a pre-existing Chat GPT model on a custom dataset to improve its performance for specific tasks or domains. Here's how to fine-tune Chat GPT for custom applications:

Collect and preprocess data: Collect and preprocess a dataset that is specific to your use case or domain. This may involve cleaning, formatting, and labeling the data to ensure that it can be used for training.

Select a pre-existing model: Select a pre-existing Chat GPT model that is similar to the task or domain you want to fine-tune for. This will serve as the starting point for the fine-tuning process.

Fine-tune the model: Train the pre-existing model on your custom dataset using fine-tuning techniques such as transfer learning. This will allow the model to learn the specific patterns and nuances of your data, which can improve its performance for your specific use case.

Evaluate and test the model: Evaluate the performance of the fine-tuned model using metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall. Test the model on a variety of inputs to ensure that it is effective for your desired use case.

Here are some examples of fine-tuning Chat GPT for custom applications:

Customer support chatbot: Fine-tune a Chat GPT model using a dataset of customer support tickets to create a chatbot that can automatically respond to common customer inquiries.

Sentiment analysis: Fine-tune a Chat GPT model using a dataset of social media posts to create a sentiment analysis tool that can classify posts as positive, negative, or neutral.

Technical writing: Fine-tune a Chat GPT model using a dataset of technical documents to create a tool that can automatically generate technical documentation for software development teams.

In summary, fine-tuning Chat GPT for custom applications involves collecting and preprocessing data, selecting a pre-existing model, fine-tuning the model on your custom dataset, and evaluating and testing the performance of the model. Fine-tuning can be used for a variety of tasks and domains, such as customer support, sentiment analysis, and technical writing.

Parting Words

By incorporating these 15 best kept secrets and tips into your Chat GPT experience, you'll unlock its full potential and enjoy a more effective, interactive, and creative AI collaboration. So, go ahead, explore new ideas, experiment with diverse perspectives, and challenge your Chat GPT to think outside the box. As you harness the power of this cutting-edge AI technology, you'll not only enhance your productivity, but also foster innovation and inspire unique solutions to complex problems.

Remember that the key to success lies in continuous learning and adapting. Keep yourself updated on the latest advancements, features, and improvements in the GPT landscape. Stay curious and open-minded, and don't hesitate to ask for help or clarification from the AI community when needed.

In summary, as you embrace these 15 secrets and tips, your Chat GPT experience will become more dynamic, engaging, and valuable than ever before. Use this powerful tool to elevate your personal and professional endeavors, and witness the transformative impact AI can have on your life. Happy chatting!

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