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  • Writer's pictureLanya Michèle

Bloat Be Gone: 5 All-Natural Remedies To Reduce Your Bloating

Bloating is an issue that I am frequently questioned about. Even the finest of us experience bloating, which is said to affect 15% to 30% of US adults.

I'm sure we can all relate to the fact that there have been moments when I felt bloated for days. Bloating makes us feel uneasy and lethargic, and makes it difficult to enjoy our day.

I've made a couple of YouTube videos regarding minimizing and getting rid of bloating, but I wanted to go into more detail.

While some of the most well-liked treatments for bloating include breathing exercises, physical activity, and staying hydrated, I've compiled additional all-natural treatments that have been successful for me.

1. Intermittent fasting

According to a recent study, around 36% of Americans are dieting, with intermittent fasting being the most popular diet.

Many people who fast state that in less than a week, their bloating problems have improved.

If you're not aware with how intermittent fasting functions, it entails only eating during an eight-hour window each day, with the remaining 16 hours intended for fasting. I've got a lengthy video about intermittent fasting here.

2. Ginger

One of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods is ginger, according to research.

Although ginger is most potent and effective when it is taken directly from the root, it is also frequently found in supplements and teas.

Because ginger relieves pain and safeguards the stomach lining, it can also aid with bloating, nausea, and other symptoms. If you've never used it, ginger root can seem scary, but it's really really easy to throw into a blender.

It is available practically everywhere that sells groceries or health foods.

When you're ready to use it, simply break off a little piece, rinse, peel, and place in the blender (some people choose not to peel the ginger, but I prefer to do so because, if the ginger is more than a few days old, the peel can make it slightly bitter.)

3. Fennel

The digestive tract has been shown to benefit greatly from fennel.

Fennel has been used in traditional medicine to treat a wide range of conditions, including bloating, abdominal pain, and severe gas. Fennel seeds and plants have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, according to a recent study.

You can truly sprinkle it over any food because both the seeds and the powder have a taste akin to licorice. Even when making my own tea, I simply add it immediately into boiling water with lemon.

4. Liquids

Eating softer, more liquid-rich cuisine has proven to be one thing I've found to be really beneficial with bloating.

It follows that adding more water and heating the meal for a longer period of time will result in softer food that is more pre-digested.

Try cooking your rice or quinoa with more water so that it almost becomes a broth, eating more soups, and making your porridge with more water.

You will be able to digest and absorb more food and nutrients if you do this, bloating or not. You are what you absorb, not what you eat, I constantly say.

5. Moderate stress levels

Unbelievably, what you're putting into your body isn't necessarily the cause of bloating.

Bloating is one of the symptoms that can be brought on by cortisol, often known as the stress hormone, in your body.

According to studies, stress has a direct impact on the digestive system, which can result in bloating. Getting more restful sleep at night, doing light exercise, and practicing meditation are some natural methods that have been shown to reduce cortisol.

Walking is among the finest workouts for lowering cortisol. Just 20 minutes of moderate-pace walking, not running.

Simple enough.

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