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  • Writer's pictureLanya Michèle

7 Ways to Reduce Anxious Night time Thoughts

Anxiety finds a way to go into overdrive just when it's time to totally UNWIND, let the body fully relax, and drift into DEEP RESTORATION SLEEP. Perhaps it's because we're no longer distracted by work and daily duties, giving our brains time to go through the archives. Perhaps it's something that has become a habit that we are unable to break.

It's not conducive to healthy sleep in either case, and it's downright disturbing. Poppy Jamie, the founder and best-selling author of Happy Not Perfect, offers a plethora of tools for transforming our thoughts, breaking free from negative feedback loops and self-talk, and cultivating a self-compassionate atmosphere in which to relax and thrive.

She has some very hot recommendations for breaking out of that adrenaline-pumping funk that tends to creep into our comfy bedrooms and tease us after lights out. Take note of this:

If you have a tendency to feel worried before bed, try taking a hot shower or bath.

"The body has to cool down in order for us to sleep, so by warming up and then sleeping in a cooler area, you aid in this natural process."

We recommend you to skin brush before the bath time to get the lymphatic drained and try rubbing a lavender oil, it will quiet your mind and relax your inner you!

This "DREAM BIG" sprinkle + bath infusion + lavender oil is everything you need to create a perfect relaxing bath!

Make a to-do list for the next day.

"Writing a to-do list is not the same as journaling." A to-do list is a list of tasks that must be completed the following day, whereas journaling is more free-flowing about how you are feeling in the moment.

A to-do list can be an excellent way to relieve stress by relieving you of the burden of remembering all you need to complete.

Instead, you're assisting your thinking and being a good teammate by writing down critical action items to think about later.

Share three things you're grateful for.

"Another simple technique to lessen anxious thoughts before bed is to share what you're grateful for with a friend, a partner, or even just yourself." Deepak Chopra frequently asserts that anxiety and appreciation cannot coexist since they employ the same brain region.

You can only feel anxious or grateful.

Before going to bed, replace your anxious anxieties with gratitude by writing down three things you are grateful for.

Every night before we go to bed, I do this with my boyfriend, and it's great to reflect on those small moments that are easy to overlook or focus on the things that didn't go well that day.

Magnesium sleep mixture.

I swear by a magnesium supplement before bed. "Studies have shown that approximately 60% of adults do not consume enough magnesium, leading to increased anxiety and difficulty sleeping."

We are big believers in Nutra Moment Sleep support

Belly breathing.

It sounds simple, but it's pretty helpful—belly breathing is a simple and effective approach to reducing anxiety. When we concentrate on breathing into our belly, the vagus nerve is stimulated, causing the body to send a signal to the mind to relax. Anxious thoughts activate our bodies' stress reaction; therefore the simple belly breath (aka purposefully breathing into your belly, inflating it up like a balloon on the inhale and releasing it on the exhale) functions as a reversal. Inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 7. Extending the exhale further relaxes the mind and body. "I frequently recommend that people place a book on their stomach and focus on breathing the book up and down only with their stomach to help them feel into a deeper breath." this is a straightforward way to tell if you're breathing into the lower region of your abdomen while also strengthening those muscles and calming your mind!"

Make a bedtime routine.

"Adults, like toddlers, require a schedule to assist in signaling when it's time to sleep." We gain from dimming the lights, having a tale read to us, and taking a hot bath in the same way that children do. When you develop a series of actions that you repeat at bedtime, they establish cognitive reflexes that alert your brain that it is time to sleep.

The key here is repetition and consistency.

Journal your thoughts before going to bed.

"A journaling habit allows you to write anything you need to, without judgment. We suggest writing three pages every morning—which is brilliant—but if sleep is an issue, I prefer penning three free-flowing pages before bed. The exercise stimulates the computing part of your brain, which soothes the emotional side. When you commit to three pages of journaling daily, it nearly becomes a spiritual practice because you will see how solutions appear unexpectedly. Journaling also helps the brain sleep since it is less likely to wake up after a few hours worrying about something that hasn't been done. The act of journaling before bed helps you build your own psychological safety net, which is what we all need to truly relax into rest."

Treat yourself! Our go to bed time treat is the Wind Down Wonders By Yuni Beauty, the pillow spay is by far the most amazing pillow spay I have ever used.

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